Four years in my mind is not a big difference, I am four years older than my wife and we are together seven years and marryed five pluse we have three kids together so four years is nothing in my mind.
i hope not<3
It depends on if you are sexually active and what state you live in
Depending on the ages, four years isn't a big deal...14 and 18 is a big difference, while 16 and 20 are less so. Of course the older you get, the less age difference honestly matters, at least until you get into the really high numbers.
no well i dont think so i think that 5 years is too big of an age dif.
No if you are an adult.
In the movie, Carrie is 42 and Big is 53. That would be 11 years.
age doesnt matter :) unless its a big age difference..of like 5 years.
well that's a good question well um yes it will make a big age difference because that man will be 10 years older than that women
I don't see why not. After all, it isn't such a huge age difference. People often date other people who are several years older or younger, and some of them eventually get married - in some cases people with 10 years difference or even more. Of course, at your age, the single year in age difference may seem a big deal, but I don't think it's such a big problem.
No. My parents are twenty years apart, and they've stayed together and never even have fights.
Yes, the girl is probably way more mature than you are and have way more experience. If you date a girl who is that much older than you, you will miss out on some of the things that come with dating a girl your age or closer to your age.