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No you should really check up with a doctor!

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Q: Is five days after menstruation safe?
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Is 10 days after menstruation safe?

When you count ten days from the day your menstruation started is safe. Linda Adams

The first day of your menstruation is on June 16What date is your safe days?

Your safe days are those when you carry a condom in your purse.

How many days after menstruation count it safe?

None, some days are more likely than others but nona are safe.

Is it safe about 8 days before menstruation?

Yes. If u use a condom.

Is it safe to have intercourse on the 6 days of your menstruation?

It's safe if I'll make love for my bf after my menstruation 6 days count from the first of my menstruation I start 3 and finish 7 than I'll make love date of 10 it's safe or I'm getting pregnant?

Is it safe to get sex 8 days after your menstruation?

As long as you have no other health issues, it is safe to have sex at any time during your cycle.

Do 5 days before and after are safe?

The only way to determine what are 'safe days' would be to use Fertility Awareness Method to track your cycles, otherwise you would just be guessing based on the typical or your average cycle; this is Rhythm Method and not a reliable form of birth control as everyone's cycles are different and cycles can change. During a typical cycle the ten days before menstruation would be safe days, this is because a woman will ovulate two weeks before menstruation.

Is it safe 9 days after menstruation?

If you mean sexual intercourse then it's unwise to rely on any so-called safe period. Get proper contraception.

Why would menstrual cycle of five days go down to three?

Your menstrual cycle is the entire reproductive cycle including ovulation and menstruation - I think you mean menstruation of five days, not menstrual cycle. Menstruation will vary from one cycle to the next, the explanation is no more complex then that your body is not a machine so it will never have the exact same cycle every single time.

How many days are there in safe period?

Five days after menustrial cycle

How many days a woman is safe before menstruation?

This depends entirely on the individual woman's menstrual cycle. To determine 'safe days' a woman would have to use fertility awareness method to track her cycles.

How many days a woman is safe before and after the menstruation?

You can never be to careful so you should always use the pill or a condom