That's how it was for me, and still is. I got the usual PMS symptons... cramps. Then I noticed that I was unable to get out of bed and I would sleep like 12 hours. My breasts got tender but also "fuller". They seemed heavier. I can't think properly anymore and I get really worn out easily. I'm pregnant. So you should get that checked out. Excessive drowsiness is a symptom of pregnancy. However, it can also be caused by stress and anemia, which are both serious if left untreated. Take a home pregnancy test. If it comes out positive, then this is the probable cause of your fatigue (positive HPT results are rarely wrong). If it turns out negative, you should seek the advice of a medical professional. They will do another pregnancy test and will also check for other conditions that may cause fatigue.
Malaria is not a symptom of pregnancy.
Certain cancers, such as lymphoma and leukemia, can be associated with excessive sweating as a symptom.
Certain cancers, such as lymphoma and leukemia, can cause excessive sweating as a symptom.
Certain cancers, such as lymphoma and leukemia, can lead to excessive sweating as a symptom.
It can be, but it's not a main symptom
No, fever is a symptom of infection or dehydration.
Yes. After ovulation, Progesterone rises causing heartburn.
Hello, It can be yes. But a sharp pain is not a pregnancy symptom.
Hello. Yes this can be a symptom of pregnancy. But the tell tale symptom is no period.