They were Shut down due to the fact that the shoes were being illegally sold.
You can find the site etoshoes is legit or not by using this simple way. First order any low cost products at them. If they delivered the product in correct time then you can go there to buy products at high cost. You can also find whether the site is trustable or not by contacting the owner of that website directly. You need to know his address or phone number to do so. To know the address or phone number of the owner of the website visit the site . Every one should provide their original address and phone number while registering their domain name. On seeing the details itself you can identify whether it is original or fake. If it is fake,don't buy products from them anymore.
Yes. Simplesite is a safe site, usualy safe for kids. But it is a safe site for everyone including adults. For kids, its a fun, and a great site.
Your Mother's a safe site :D
no site is safe to download anything SUCKS. They are a Total Nightmare BEWARE! Buy somewhere else !
is yahoo a safe site to play card games
yes is a safe site i use it a lot
Vat19 is a safe site to shop on and you can order things/stuff on it and after you ordered something from the site it will be in your mail just so you can eat/play with it all you want and this is the official site right here
safe place to work, safe working place
yes it is safe
No, it is not safe. It is a phishing site.
In order to verify that a site is safe, you should probably seek out sites where people can testify for or against the site. The best way to verify the safety of a site is to take heed of the general thoughts of other users. Looking at the comments on the site itself is sometimes not a safe idea as the site can filter which comments they wish to publicize.