No it's fine unless we talk about nutrients and weight. Just stay healthy.
Eating food high in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates is not only bad for nutrition while a woman is pregnant, it is poor nutrition for someone even when they are not pregnant. It is also important for pregnant women to avoid foods that are high on the glycemic index.
any smoking while pregnant is terrible. im all for weed but if your pregnant its a bad idea
Remember that what you consume is what the baby consumes. It is ok once in a while, but you just don't want to over do it. If you don't have a healthy balanced diet, and you don't take vitamins while you are pregnant, that could negatively effect the baby.
You can continue to keep, and care for goldfish while pregnant. Goldfish are not edible, at least not to humans, so as long as you are not eating them, you will be fine.If you mean the goldfish crackers, then those are just fine to eat as well.
Not unless your eating it. but then it is bad for you anyway
I seem to recall its not safe
No Alba
It can be because some sidewalk chalk contains lead.