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Dry socket is created by the act of sucking so even if you suck too hard on a straw there is a chance you will get it.

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Q: Is dry socket created by cigarettes or weed?
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How does smoking cause dry socket?

sucking the cigarette (like a straw) is what causes the dry socket. just like a straw can cause dry socket, cigarettes basically do the same thing. it is recommended to wait 3-5 days to smoke a cigarette after getting your wisdom teeth pulled.

Would smoking weed in a vaporizer help after wisdom teeth removal?

dont! it gave me dry socket! ouch!

Should you put Anbesol in your mouth if you have a dry socket?

I would not recomend putting anything in your mouth that will increase the poteintial for sensitivity or pain to your dry socket. The dentist that you see should have dry socket paste to apply for you. Try your best to keep your mouth free of cold air, and do not drink from a straw,smoke any cigarettes ,spit forcefully,or swish your mouth when brushing your teeth.

What happens to an untreated dry socket?

An untreated dry socket can lead to infection.

My sockets don't hurt but are empty is that dry socket?


Can you smoke weed a week after 4 wisdom teeth removal?

It's advised that you don't smoke cigarettes or anything of the sort, because of possible infection or "dry socket" issues. However, after 3 days or so, it should be okay. (I mention this from a medical science standpoint...barring any local laws that may prohibit smoking marijuana, of course.)

What does bong weed mean?

its when you scrape all the siht out of a dirty bong and dry it out. that's what bong weed is, all the weed and ash that gets sucked through then you dry it out.

What happens if you smoke marijuana after getting your wisdom teeth removed?

Yes you can. The Doctors recommend waiting 48 hours AT LEAST. And then when you do decide to smoke, take small hits and put a gauze in over your holes to keep from getting dry socket.

Can you get dry socket 7 days after a tooth extraction?

It is a bit unlikely to get dry socket 10 days after an extraction, but not impossible. Usually dry socket occurs 3-5 days after the extraction.

Does packing a dry socket hurt?


Can cold weather affect dry socket?

I not sure if it does but I have dry socket and tge cold on my cheek hurts and feels like it isn't getting warm when insude

How soon can you eat after having a dry socket treatment?

Eating after treatment of a dry socket when a tooth was pulled, is usually a matter of comfort. Try not to eat anything like nuts, that will lodge in the socket. You may want to stick to liquids or puddings for a day, to allow the dry socket time to heal, and so you won't be biting on a painful surface.