Drinking Urine Not Recommended, No.
There is no sound medical evidence to support drinking urine. As a point of interest, there are those who do drink their own urine and claim it has health benefits. Additionally, in an emergency situation, it's possible to drink one's urine as a temporary means of holding off dehydration- though this cannot be done indefinitely and certainly is not recommended.
Urine is waste the body doesn't want.
Urine only contains only about 5% of Urea (the actual waste product your body produces) the rest is mainly just water, so it is safe to drink in case of extreme emergencies, and it may have to be forced into you, and you should avoid drinking it anyway.
Well it is definitely not good for them, and if the urine has bugs, worms, or other icky stuff it doesn't get any better.
Urine therapy is about drinking your ownfiltered urine. It is based on the "Law of Similars" (but without homeopathic dilution) therefore it is not about drinking the urine of another person. I have not yet heard of urine therapy being used in relation to weight loss.
There is a never-ending debate on whether urine is harmful or not. While some argue that drinking urine promotes good health, urine may contain toxic components that may be harmful to the body.
i think that is not rite but i might be wrong good luck
Urodipsia is the medical term meaning process of drinking urine.
If your urine is light or pale, it typically indicates that you are well hydrated. It is a good sign that you are drinking enough fluids.
drinking it.
No, clear urine is a sign that you are drinking plenty of fluids, which is a good thing. Take a store pregnancy test after your missed period to confirm a pregnancy.
Yes. The more you drink the more you urinate. This may be a hassle going to the toilet frequently but drinking plenty of water is good for you.
Caffeine is a mild diuretic that can cause an increase in urine production. Therefore, drinking caffeine may result in more diluted urine.
drinking your own urine yess, casue it has nutrients in it, but oeeing in your hand is pretty gross
Drinking plenty of fluid is good for your body (this produces more urine). I think about 8 large glasses of water is a good amount to drink each day, more in the summer.