its called youtube and type funny videos
Youtube is a great place to find funny video clips. Tumblr a blogging site also has good videos.
One can find many videos of Girls on the internet. The best place to start is probably Google. They will give you many answers. One can also try searching through YouTube Stations, and other video sites that have become a popular place to post videos on the internet. Even Facebook is a good place to search.
Youtube can be great for all people of all ages. It has a vast variety of videos, but the problem being that there are some problems with bad videos making there way onto the site. Youtube has to respect everyones rights which allows free speech. This causes many videos with racism, vulgar language, etc. But to answer your question yes its good, but it can be bad if your pre-teen is looking up the wrong stuff. Also hes a pre-teen, you would probaly be surprised by how much stuff he's seen ont he web already!
on youtube....just search it up.....the best version has spanish sub good picture to.
Computer Scientist would be a good career for a person who enjoys making YouTube videos.
YouTube for sure!
Videos of children singing can be viewed on YouTube. There are many videos which users have uploaded which are enjoyable and entertaining. Some are quite good.
If your videos are about fashion or if you are a girl.
Still the answer is in progress
LANDERkako is an amazing youtube channel. Its funny halirous and you should go watch it. Type in LANDERkako in youtube and watch videos.
Start with a good cookbook and some Youtube videos.
My hobby is posting videos on youtube.
One can make amazing videos for youtube the same way anyone else can make amazing videos for youtube: With amazing ideas! Anyone can make an amazing youtube video provided they have a good idea and the technical ability, or are willing to learn.