During David Foster Wallace's life, he struggled with Alcoholism, as well as other forms of addiction and substance abuse. He spend a considerable amount of time institutionalized and in rehab for the aforementioned. Unfortunately, he took his own life in 2008.
David Foster Wallace was born on February 21, 1962.
David Foster Wallace was born on February 21, 1962.
David Foster Wallace died on September 12, 2008 at the age of 46.
'Infinite Jest' was written by David Foster Wallace.
No. He committed suicide three weeks ago on September 12, 2008 and if he was a member is he is no longer. Hanged himself. Peace, Danny S - RLRA Real Live Recovered Alcoholic http://recoveredalcoholic.blogspot.com/
Given that Franzen scattered his ashes at Masafuara, I'm guess that he was cremated
David Foster Wallace was an writer and novelist, born in Champaign, Illinois, in the United States of America. David wrote 3 novels, 3 short story collections, and 9 non-fiction collections.
David A. Wallace was born in 1917.
David A. Wallace died in 2004.
David Wallace - physicist - was born in 1945.
David Wallace - catcher - was born in 1979.
David Rains Wallace was created in 1983.