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Ummmm no, only in the relation that they are both controlled substances

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Q: Is crack and marijuana the same thing?
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Should you do weed or crack?

These are two completely different drugs, but I will approach this from a variety of ways in order to answer your question. From a medical point of view, marijuana is much safer. Marijuana use has not directly caused a death. However, crack has. Crack can cause heart attacks and various other problems. (Choice = marijuana) From a psychological point of view, Crack is known to be much more physically addicting and psychologically addicting than marijuana. Many argue that marijuana is not physically addicting, but it does have a risk of psychological dependency. Both of these drugs can bring out and/or exacerbate symptoms of bipolar d/o, schizophrenia, depression, etc. (Choice = marijuana) From a financial point of view, crack is more expensive and does not last nearly as long as marijuana. Crack causes decreased appetite, and marijuana tends to increase appetite. However, the increase in food costs from marijuana use is more than offset by the increase in cost by using crack. (Choice = marijuana) However, if you are subjected to random drug screens, marijuana shows up for much longer than crack does. (Choice = crack) More people use marijuana than crack, and marijuana is typically obtained much easier than crack. (Choice = marijuana) It appears that marijuana is the better choice. However, given that you are asking this question, you likely do not have any experience with either drug (or drugs in general). You shouldn't do either one...

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Same thing, California prop 215 (medical marijuana) is where it started.

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