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Yes, it's a Mexican beer

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It's a lager...

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Q: Is corona ale or lager
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What is more popular Ale or Lager?

in America it is lager

What is the difference in production processes of ale beer and lager beer?

The main differences between ale and lager production are in temperature and type of yeast used. Lager is fermented at a lower temperature than ale and uses a bottom fermenting yeast whereas ale uses a top fermenting yeast.

Is Budweiser an beer like lager or beer like ale?

Budweiser is an American style lager. It's not a traditional lager, due to the use of rice in the brewing process, but it is nonetheless, a lager. Definitely not an ale.

True or False the main difference between a Lager and an Ale is the type of yeast used?

True Lager is distinguished from ale by its yeast. Lager yeast ferments at lower temperatures and flocculates on the bottom of the fermenting vessel, while ale yeast ferments at higher temperatures and settles on the tops of fermentation tanks.

How do you find the Subjects on a sentence?

ale and lager have some differences

What Beers that begin with the letter L?

Lager and Light Ale. LaBatt Blue, LaBatt Blue Light, Longbrew Lager

What are different kinds of beer?

Lager, Bitter, Mild, Stout, Ale.

Is ale the same as beer?

If you mean an English real-ale which is less processed and less full of chemicals than most commercial lagers then it has to be ale. If you mean a more traditonal lager beer brewed in a proper lager producing countries like Germany or the Czech republic then lager is much the same as the ale. Some will say that you shouldn't drink alcohol in any form but if like me you enjoy a drink then at least drink something that tastes of something and is not full of chemicals.

What beverage that begins with an L?

Lager, Lemonade, Latte, Light ale, Lucozade.

What is the brand of pale lager produced by cereceria modelo in Mexico?

Corona extra

Can you mix lager and stout?

Yes, it is typically called a "black and tan". If done properly, the lager will clearly settle on the bottom, and the stout should remain on top.That is not correct....A lager and a stout like Guinness (Stout) and Harp (lager) is called a half and halfA Stout and a pale ale or ale is a black and tan. Most people use Guinness for the stout and bass for the ale.You can use any Stout and any lager to make a half and halfand you can use any stout and any ale to make a black and tan...

What beer is the most similar to corona beer?

I think Bud Lite Lime is sort of like a cheaper version of Corona Lite.