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Yes it is to a large extent


I think it's common but normal, no. Just my opinion.

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Q: Is cheating normal
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In Platinum how do you get out of normal gameplay?

hacking, cheating, gameshark, action replay.

How long does a cheater live?

It depends on how talented he is at cheating, and his normal lifestyle.

What does it mean when you dream of cheating on your boyfriend with a celebrity?

It means you are quite normal!!

Is it normal to worry about your boyfriend to go out at night to parties and with his mates?

Yes it's normal. You just have to trust him, if you trust him you'll know if he is cheating or not.

How do you catch or see a cheating man?

some ways u can see if your man is cheating, is if he isn't acting normal, or is very hesitant about your realation ship, or if hes not with your often, and your can tell if he's lying.

Is frustration and anger the normal reaction to being falsely accused of cheating?

YESSSS!!!!!! it has to be one of the most frustrating things ever!! Don't worry its completely normal! x

How do you level up a Pokemon using cheat codes but with out using a gameshark?

You can't. Cheating requires a cheating device like a gameshark. Otherwise, you just have to level up the normal way, by battling to gain experience.

Is it normal for a wife to constantly tell her husband that he is cheating when it is not happening?

No that is wreckless jealousy. If that doesn't stop the marriage will not last, if she does not trust you she shoul dnot have married you. Tell her that everytime she accuses you of cheating that you are going to cheat two times.

Is it still cheating if you think of another person?

If one thinks of a certain person with an obsession then in ways it's cheating because you are not being honest with your mate. If you see a nice looking person at a party or an event you are at and fantasize about that person then it is not cheating and normal as long as it's look and don't touch.It's still cheating because if you're truly loyal to your mate then you shouldn't have ANY thoughts about another other than your mate.

How can one know that his girl is cheating on him?

One of the main things people look for when cheating is, the other person is being distant or not as affectionate as normal. Ask to borrow her cell phone, If she resists very defensively you know something Is up, if not you might be in the clear.

Who do you get all Pokemon in box without an actionreplay on Pokemon pearl?

I think it's impossible without cheating, you can get almost all Pokemon the normal way, but pokemons like celebi, jirachi... i don't think it's possible without cheating... sorry

You think you visually cheated on your boyfriend?

Most men (all ages) look at an attractive woman and it is not cheating for a woman of any age to admire a handsome mind or even fantasize about them. It's normal and as long as one looks and does not touch it is not considered cheating.