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Before I found out I was pregnant I had a really weird sensation in my stomach... the only way I could describe it was 'butterflies', however it was almost like a combination between a feeling of being really happy and really nervous all at once. It would come and go and it just felt different. I knew if I were pregnant it would be waaaay to early to feel anything but this odd sensation made me suspect pregnancy. Sure enough, I am now 10 weeks so yes, definately, 'butterflies' in the stomach can be an early symptom of pregnancy!

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Q: Is butterflies or fluttering in the stomach an early symptom of pregnancy?
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You have butterflies in your stomach but its too early to test for pregnancy?

You may well be pregnant. There are many symptoms of early pregnancy - tiredness, nausea, mood swings etc and yes having butterflies in your stomach can be a symptom of pregnancy - it was my first symptom. It would not be movement of the baby at all as you cannot feel movement until you are about 16-20 weeks on average, although this differs from woman to woman. Hopefully a pregnancy test will confirm whether you are pregnant or not.

Why do you feel butterflies in your stomach?

This is usually a symptom of stress and anxiety.

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Hello. Yes this can be a symptom of pregnancy. But the tell tale symptom is no period.

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Can you feel pulling in your belly if you are pregnant?

When a woman is excited or fearful of their (possible) pregnancy, their mind can generate all sorts of "symptoms" that may leave them wondering until they know for sure. The mind is a very powerful influence over the body and the symptoms you may or may not experience.A pulling sensation in the navel may or may not be similar to the feeling of fluttering in the womb. Fluttering sensations in the lower stomach are considered to be a symptom of pregnancy. The fluttering sensation is created by the (new) heartbeat of the fetus or, when it's developed enough, actual movement of the fetus.Either way, you should take a pregnancy test to be sure of the results.

Can blue sweat be a symptom of pregnancy"?

No, blue sweat is not a symptom of pregnancy.

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Malaria is not a symptom of pregnancy.

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Yes not extremely early but after a few weeks most women are more bloated and gassy

Are cramps tightening of the stomach heartburn headaches and strong emotions symptoms of pregnancy?

They were symptoms of my pregnancy, but just because you're experiencing these symptoms does not mean that you are pregnant. They can also be symptoms of being overly stressed which can also affect your period. Well heartburn is definatley a symptom of pregnancy. As you do not get heartburn from stress! Actually all those symptoms are a symptom of pregnancy.