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When your period is close you may burp but it mostly would be bloating. This means you may burp more often than regular. Everyone is different so you may burp instead of bloat.

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Q: Is burping a sign of your period about to come?
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Related questions

Is burping a sign of heart problems?

No. if your worried go to the doctor.

Is burbing frequently a sign of pregnancy?

Burping is not one of the signs of pregnancy. It could mean you have a bad gullbladder. Or you could have acid reflux. Hello - No its a sign of excess gas or acid in the stomach lining which causes burping. But do a test if you suspect pregnancy.

If you burp a lot is that a sign of depression?

no, burping is a result of swallowing air.

Can burping and gurgling in your stomach be a sign of pms?

There is a wide array of symptoms of Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, and the symptoms differ from one woman to another. It is certainly possible, though not necessarily the case, that burping and gurgling in the stomach could be a sign of PMS.

How do you spell burping?

The correct spelling is ''burping''.

What is the Keyboard sign for period?

" ; " <------------- This is THE period sign on keyboard!!

If you have protected sex the day before are supposed to have your period and your period does not come can it be a sign for a late period or pregnancy if so what are the chances?

Usually, that close to a period sex will cause a delay in the period for a day or two.

Is burping nasty?

Yes burping is nasty

Is burping healthy?

In general, burping is a normal bodily function that helps release excess gas from the stomach, providing temporary relief. However, excessive burping can be a sign of underlying issues such as acid reflux, gastritis, or swallowing air. If you are experiencing frequent or severe burping, it's best to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

Does burping come from having no teeth and swallowing your air?

no it actually comes from acid build up in your stomach

What is the name of the burping soda in jimmy neutron?

The "Neutronic Burping Soda" .

Who invented burping?

burping wasn't invented it is a natural thing and was never invented