Yes and No! Ensure provides a lot of essential vitamins and minerals, however it also contains a lot of sugar. If you are unable to eat due to morning sickness this might be a good solution until the sickness calms down and you can actually hold something down, and this way you are still providing your baby with the nutrients it needs. Just make sure you watch you sugar intake and/or try to opt for other nutritional beverages, such as Healthy Mom (sold at Walmart).
Palm wine is an alcoholic beverage created from sap of various palm tree species. There are no alcoholic beverages that are good or safe for pregnant women.
sweet corn is good for a pregnant woman to eat.
If she has a desire to become pregnant.
Pregnant woman needs good supply of good quality proteins. The baby and placenta need proteins to grow. There is net 10 KG weight gain in pregnancy.
you can but due to the high chemical content i would have concerns about the impact on your baby. i recomend onesource optimal nutrition as a supplemental beverage to my pregnant patients. it also seems to be much more palatable.
Yes,they are a great source of protean.
No. Once pregnant, a woman can't get pregnant-er.
any woman can dye her hair if it is short. a pregnant woman might have a hard time since she can't bend over and the chemicals are actually not good for you when you are pregnant. hope this helps!
No; a woman will not ovulate if she is pregnant.
Water would be good and not other mouthwashes
Peppermint tea is better than black tea for pregnant woman to drink right after dinner.
If you want to work out while pregnant, you should ask your doctor what exercises are right for you.