It is a good thing and a bad thing. Like everything in this world it has pros and cons. Pros: The satisfaction and joy that you have your very own special child and have bought such a delightful thing into existence. Cons: Going through childbirth is a painful and stressful time. You will feel very sick and tired all the time and the actual birth is one of the most painful things anyone could endure. There are painkillers and stuff they give you to help with the pain but it is still very hard.
It's not a good or bad thing. You are you!
Ovulation is a good thing if a woman is trying to get pregnant. Ovulation is necessary for "natural" pregnancy.
no, not at all. Being an abomination is a very bad thing!
they are a bad thing for stoping endangered animals from being killed
Yes. being gay or lesbian is bad. it is a crime against nature.
It's a good thing:) Who ever said it was a good thing they were lying it's a bad thing God make girls for guys and guys for girls and that's that
Fame is a good thing as long as you are not being famous for doing something bad, e.g.infamous. OK?
Fame is a good thing as long as you are not being famous for doing something bad, e.g.infamous. OK?
The reason why smoking when you'r pregnant is bad is because the smoke also goes into the lungs and heart of the unborn child.
Human rights is a good thing as long as you like being alive; being alive is the very essence of human rights.
Yes, it means to be cool