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No, being gay is not a choice. Most gay people claim that they have always felt like they were gay since childhood.

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Q: Is being gay really a choice?
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Should I be Gay Or Straight?

Being gay is not a choice.

Is being gay immorality?

No. Immorality is about choice. Being gay is not a choice. In fact, being gay and seeking out love and relationships is also a natural, normal process, and a right that every person should have.

Is there a way to not be gay?

yes all you have to do is make a choice. Being gay is a choice and i dont fell that its necessary. i don't agree with the answer you can ignore it but i don't think you can change it and being gay isn't a choice you are born gay and if you are you should just go with it

Why should you be gay?

There is no "should" or "shouldn't" to it. Being gay is not a choice, you are either born gay or you are not.

How can a married man leave a gay adulterous life behind him?

Adultery is a choice. Being gay is not. So be who you are. If they really loved you, they wouldn't care. The past is the past. Forget about it!

Is being an ex-gay the same as being a former racist?

No, mainly because there is no such thing as ex-gay. Also, being gay is not a choice, but being a racist is.

You want to be gay should you?

Being gay is not a choice. If you feel like you are gay then you just follow your heart. If you are not gay, nothing will make you gay.

Why is vince McMahon gay?

If he is gay it is simply because he was born gay, it isn't a choice. It is just like being born with blue eyes or black hair, you have no choice in the matter.

How do the social issues surrounding gay rights movement intersect with theories as why someone is gay or not?

The biggest intersection between the two involve the debate over whether being gay is a choice or an inherent quality. Some opponents of gay rights claim that it is a choice, and therefore a person who chooses to be gay is disrupting society. Virtually all supporters of gay rights know that being gay is not a choice, so they have to work hard to change that idea.

How does the campaign for gay rights differ from prior civil rights campaigns?

The difference is that most of the opposition to gay rights believes being gay is a choice (and a bad one at that). No one in the racial civil rights era believed being Black was a choice.

Why are people get out of being gay?

Sometimes being gay is difficult on a person because of the majority of society's view on homosexuality. Some gay people may try to hide their sexuality or try to become "not gay" but because being gay is biological and not a choice, there is no way to "get out" of it.

Who was the first gay male in the US?

I don't really know, being 'gay' isn't really recorded