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No, it is not a disorder of any kind. It's a natural sexual orientation.

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Q: Is being gay a genetic disorder?
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Homosexuality or being gay is it genetic or birth disorder or what?

Being gay is no where near a birth defect, being a straight man or woman, would be considered that too in that case, homosexuality has been proven to be a small genetic change, it is in no way a disorder.

Is being Deaf a genetic disorder?

Yes it is! but it also can be developed on his own!

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Is hemophilia considered a genetic disorder?

It is a disorder which is passed on through your genes. It's actually quite simple. You see, hemophilia is hereditary, hence the "genetic". Then, it is a disorder of the blood, hence "disorder". "Genetic Disorder".

Why are there gay peeps in the world?

Being gay is a genetic trait you get from your parents. Sexual orientation is not a choice, and cannot be changed.

Is it possible for a straigth man fall in love with a gay?

No. Being gay is genetic. If your straight it's nearly impossible.

When did being gay stop being treated as a psychological condition?

In the U.S. it stopped being classified as a mental disorder in 1973, but as for treating it as a disorder...that is still going on today in some areas.

Is Alice in Wonderland syndrome a genetic disorder?

Alice in Wonderland has a genetic predisposition; however, it is neurological (not genetic) disorder.

You cant help that you are gay... ok?

That's right--being gay or straight is inborn (genetic or biological), and there's nothing you can do about it.

Is Attention Deficit Disorder a genetic disorder?

It appears to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

What is inherited genetic disorder?

A disorder you inherit from your ancestors.