it could be, because many pregnant women body temperatures increase
Was for me each time! Worth cking with a doctor or doing a home pregnancy test.
A urinary tract infection (also called a "water infection") can happen at any time, sometimes happens in early pregnancy but is not a sign of pregnancy. It might be a symptom of pregnancy but it might also be a symptom of a disease. Source:
No. This is normal and you may feel little pains or cramps every month around the time of ovulation. The main sign of pregnancy is a lack of a period.
They are not signs of pregnancy, but you may be pregnant and have them.
No, I pee all the time after eating popcorn. I'm not pregnant. If you want to know if your pregnant go get a pregnancy test.
It is a sign of a hormonal change in you body. Maybe pregnancy may be menopause may be something else entirely. Have it checked!
Can be a sign of pregnancy. But it is completely normal that the female period varies from time to time. It can be a product of unhealthy lifestyle. Always take a pregnancy-test if you're in doubt.
well sweety it could be a sign. When i was pregnant i knew right away because every time i was going to smoke a cig i felt like throwing up. i hope this helps but you should do a pregnancy test.
due to your increase in hormones you do need a lot more fluids in your system. try to have eight glasses of water a day. as for being cold i am not entirely sure, im in my seventh week of pregnancy and have drastic temperature changes throughout the day. hope ive helped a little aleksei
Burping is not one of the signs of pregnancy. It could mean you have a bad gullbladder. Or you could have acid reflux. Hello - No its a sign of excess gas or acid in the stomach lining which causes burping. But do a test if you suspect pregnancy.
Tender breasts are a sign of pregnancy, but they are also a sign of your period coming. You should take a home pregnancy test or go see a doctor. You can look up planned pregnancy in the yellow pages, you can see a doctor there. You may be able to find some help there. They will also help you with finding the right form of birth control for you. If you don't want to become pregnant, you need to use protection every time.