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Age of consent is 18. So it is illegal to have a relationship between a 17 year old and a 26 year old.

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Q: Is bad for a 17 year old to have an relationship with an 26 year old?
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It depents on the country you are from

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It is not illegal.

Can a 17 year old have a relationship with a 31 year old legally?

Not until you legally turn 18.

Is it ok to be in a relationship with a guys that's in a relationship with another woman for over 17 years?

No, Not unless you are comfortable with the fact that you are playing a part in breaking up that 17 year old partnership. (Think how you would feel if you were the woman who has the 17 year old relationship).

Can a 18 year old have a relationship with a 17 year old?

yh but whos the 18 yr old a girl or boy??

Is it illegal for a 17 and 18-year-old to be in a relationship?

no. not that im aware of.