Some people say that the 'c' stands for cheap, because the iPhone 5 is made out of plastic (polycarbonate frame reinforced with steel). There is no answer to what the 'c' means but it is presumed that it means colour because the 5c comes in 5 colors.
The fee is 30 dollars each month for the Iphone.
One of the biggest iPhone announcements EVER. That was the announcement of the CDMA version of the iPhone 4, compatible with Verizon (and later Sprint, C Spire, and nTelos). This model may have almost tripled the iPhone's customers in the US.
Minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to minus 40 degrees Celsius. This is the only point where the two temperature scales intersect and have the same numerical value.
yes, if you know c++ coding that is...
Android, Symbian, Blackberry OS (RIM) : java iOS uses OPP-C ( C#/C++)
Yes they are both 5x4.75
The C-5 Galaxy can typically carry around 5-8 combat tanks, depending on the size and weight of the tanks.
A D cup is larger than a C cup in the same band size. However, a 28D would be smaller than a 36C
The iPhone and Android phones both use their own languages for programming applications: the iPhone uses Objective - C, where Android uses Java.
Yes it is a Surface Capacitive/C-type