Alex Kingston was born on March 11, 1963.
Alex Kingston was born on March 11, 1963.
Alex Kingston is 55 years old (birthdate: March 11, 1963).
Alex Kingston's hair colour is a blond slash golden colour.
Yes,she is.
Yes she definitely is
The character that Alex Kingston portrayed on the show Doctor Who was named River Song. She was an archaeologist that the doctor encountered on his travels.
alex kingston currently lives with her daughter salome in la. however she does travel to england to shoot various shows or movies.
alex kingston currently lives with her daughter salome in la. however she does travel to england to shoot various shows or movies.
Yes. Yes she is.
Epsom, Surrey in England
Alex Kingston has one child, a dauhter named Salome Violetta born on 28th March 2001. The father of this child is Florian Haetrel who is Alex's second husband and has been married to her since 1998