if you love someone age shouldnt matter but there should be a limit like if your 14 and you wanna date someone whos 18 its probley not the best idea ecspecially scence he'll be the only one to get in troubleAge is factored bye the number of years that you have lived.
Who cares she's famous, age is just a number
age is just a number age is just a number
I think Jake would have to really like you. Age is just a number.
yes it's just really hard they can only hire a certain number of kids under 16 years of age
You can do that really at any age above the age of four-- You just cant be in a dry state
Not really. He will just really quickly change his number.
I've heard he's into older women but I guess if he really loved someone the age wouldn't matter, after all age is just a number c:
Because you are only as old as you feel. The meaning is that you shouldn't let age determine what you can or can't do. This usually is meant for people of an older age, it doesn't really work for children who want to do things they aren't old enough to do yet.
Age is just a number. Just as long as she or you are of age.
Number 8 balls are just scams. Number 8 balls do not really work. Number 8 balls just randomly pick an answer to display to you, no matter what your question is.
You really can get married at any age, You just have to have a parental consent on both sides.
It really depends on what age you start smoking at. But from just smoking at the age of 10-11, you will be dead by 25.