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no, it is the safest way to smoke weed.

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Q: Is a weed vaporizer harmful
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Can others be affected by weed used in a vaporizer As in a contact high etc?

No. There is NO smoke or burning or combustion using a vaporizer. Cannot see it or smellit.

Will a vaporizer for weed effect asthma patients?

i also have asthma and have had it for several years and i smoke out of my vaporizer all the time and get super baked. you should do the same

What can you smoke weed out of?

A joint A blunt A pipe A bong A vaporizer And anything you can think of that coulg be used as any of the above, such as a fruit, etc...

Would smoking weed in a vaporizer help after wisdom teeth removal?

dont! it gave me dry socket! ouch!

What method let's you get the most THC out of weed?

Going from least to greatest: Joint Blunt Pipe Bong Vaporizer

Can weed be harmful if you had eye surgery?

yes, it very well can. In fact, it is always harmful. You should not smoke weed.

Do you get a bigger high if you use a vaporizer or do you get a bigger high by eating weed brownies?

That's two completely different highs

Does using a vaporizer for nicotine cause more instances of cancer?

A vapor cigarette for nicotine is less harmful than cigarettes as it only provides nicotine and not harmful chemicals.

Do weed kill hermons?

so called "weed" or marijuana has never killed anything. if you are worried about the toxic effects of the smoke that's created by burning then i would suggest investing in a water pipe or vaporizer.

How do you use marijuana vaporizer?

What a vaporizer really does is heats the weed to around 365 degrees to ensure that all of the THC on the weed turns to vapor and you only breathe nearly 100% THC rather than sucking in anything else in the weed. remember, even of the greatest weed out there still only has below 30% THC and so the other 70+% is other activities that marijuana contains, and when you use a lighter you might be inhaling that other 70+% must be lighter combust everything, not just THC.

How do you soften up weed?

There are many ways possable like;grinding,(the most affective) humidifying with steam,or in a vaporizer, but you should know that heat is the enemy of THC witch is the chemicle in the weed that actually gets you high

Is lighting weed with a birthday candle harmful when inhaling?

Marijuana is harmful when inhaled. No matter what you are lighting it with.