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I don't think its normal . Ask your docter

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Q: Is a visible vein on baby's head normal?
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Related questions

What causes tenderness on side of head and visible vein?

Tenderness on the side of the head and a visible vein could be due to a variety of factors, such as tension headaches, migraines, or even a scalp infection. It is advisable to consult a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What vein is in the head?

Your temple.

Vein That Carries Blood from the Head backTo Heart?

Jugular vein

Is the jugular a vein or artery?

It's a vein. The artery going to your head is the carotid artery.

What kind of blood does the vein carried?

The vein carries your normal blood throughout the human body.

What does it mean when portal vein is prominent?

what is prominent portal vein with secondary prominence of the head of the pancreas

Vain that carrys blood from head to heart?

The chief vein that carries blood from the head to the heart is the jugular vein. It is easily found at the anterolateral neck.

What is hepatopetal flow in the main portal vein of liver?

normal blood flow in portal vein and patent portal vein is a sign of the normal physiological condition of liver blood web and clearness of portal venous way

What if the jugular vein is visible while lying flat?

It cant be visible because it is hidden behind your throat.

External iliac vein what is the treatment for this?

The external iliac vein is a normal part of the human anatomy. It is not a disease.

You have like a line on your penis is that normal?

It would most possibly be a vein and yes it is normal

Where does the azygous vein carry blood from?

head and neck