yes it is some times but some times if your just playing with person it is not .
With your hand
smack that means to smack your butt!
I would consider that flirting personely but it really depends on what you think at the time as I wasn't there when it happened.
Because it is assault and you will get a punch on the nose or arrested.
Your first go to the pool then your smack Teddy Dunkans Butt
Yes, they are saying to the other baboons "Kiss my butt!".
Girls smack other girls butts because they think its funny. i think it can be hot depending on the reaction and the girl.
Not necessarily. Maybe she only likes your butt...
Heck yes! He is flirting with another girl and he is dating you? Dump his sorry butt.
Sure, but only do it if he's stalling in a working chute, or getting his big butt in your road. You could also smack a bull across the muzzle with a good stout stick if he's challenging you or threatening you in any way. But don't smack a bull because you can.
Wait until it is the app of the week or you can have sex with me . If your a girl I can smack you with my butt
he could be, or maybe he's trying to see how far he can get with you