For 1, its in the name shotGUN.
For 2, it shoots and... puts people to sleep.
So yeah it is a gun.
Gun shop, gun show, Shotgun News, Gun List
a shotgun a m16 automatic shotgun
Try, Shotgun News, Gun List, local gun shops, gun shows, etc..
Try gun shows, Shotgun News, Gun List, local gun shops.
Try want ads,, gun shops, gun shows, Shotgun News
Try, gun shows, gun shops, Shotgun News.
Try, Shotgun News, Gun List, local gun shops, gun shows. Try, Shotgun News, Gun List, local gun shops, gun shows.
Try, Shotgun News, Gun List, local gun shop, gun shows.
One can get spare parts for a Nikko shotgun at some local gun retailers or through gun manufacturers. Gun parts can also be found through gun classifieds and gun auctions.
Auction sites, Shotgun News, gun shows, gun shops
gun show, gun shop