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no sir a sign of a runny nose is caused by a allergic and cold. NO KIDDING SHERLOCK

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Q: Is a runny nose a sign of being pregnant?
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Related questions

What is a runny nose a sign of?

A runny nose is a common symptom of a cold or allergies, caused by the body's immune response to irritants or viruses.

Is a runny nose a sign of a baby teething?

its the sign of an over-worried parent

What is a sympton?

A symptom is a clue or sign that you have a sickness or disease. For example a runny nose is a symptom for a cold.

What does sniffle mean?

A sniffle is a light audible inhalation of air through the nose, often taken when someone has a runny or stuffy nose. It can be a sign of mild cold or allergies.

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A runny nose, vomiting, shortness of breath, are three symptoms of nerve agent exposure.Convulsions/seizuresConvulsions/seizures

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Is runny nose a symptom of getting throat infection?

A runny nose can be a sign of many things, some a sickness, some not a sickness. Sicknesses could include flu, nasal/sinus infection or a cold. Non-sicknesses could include allergic reaction, hayfever and not blowing your nose enough.

What are sign of being pregnant?

when your period skips a week or two

Is your nose being cold a sign of poor circulation?

no it means you need to get laid

If i am pregnant at 16 can i quit school?

At 16 you need a parent to sign for you to drop out of school. You can sign yourself out when you turn 18. Being pregnant has nothing to do with it.

Is being clumsy a sign of early pregnancy?

Not necessarily. You can be clumsy and not be pregnant..

Why is my cat's wet nose a sign that they are happy?

A cat's wet nose can be a sign of happiness because it indicates that they are healthy and hydrated. When a cat is content and relaxed, their body temperature drops slightly, causing their nose to become moist. This is a natural and normal occurrence in cats and is generally a positive sign of their well-being.