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Probably. The .257 Bob has a case length of 2.233, longer than the .308 Winchester (2.015). However, on a Model 700, measure distance between the receiver screws. If it is 6.5 inches, THAT rifle is a short action. 7.35 inches, long action.

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Q: Is a model 700 classic 257 Roberts a long action?
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your win mod. 70 was made in 1953,that being the case there are the short action calibres which are rounds with a loaded length of 2.800 in.or less and the long action which are for calibres with a loaded length of 3.340 in. in length.the short action calibres were .22 hornet,.243 winchester,.257 roberts,308 winchester,300 savage,.the long action calibres were .220 swift,270 win.30-06 springfield,300H&H..375H&H etc. hope this helps.

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