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A metallic taste in the mouth is called dysgeusia. It is an early sign of pregnancy. It can even occur before you have a positive pregnancy test. The cause of the taste is thought to be hormonal, particularly the increased estrogen associated with pregnancy. You can try mints and/or brushing your tongue when you brush your teeth. Fortunately, this problem usually improves greatly or ends entirely after the first trimester.

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Q: Is a metallic taste in one's mouth an early sign of pregnancy?
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Is it normal to have weird taste in mouth as early sign of pregnancy?

Some pregnant woman do experience a metallic taste in their mouth. It is normal, also sometimes your taste buds change.

Can a pregnancy symptom involve your tongue?

In a way, some women get an odd taste in their mouth in early pregnancy. I myself had a strong metallic taste constantly when I was 4 weeks.

Does a metallic taste in mouth come and go?

A metallic taste in your mouth will very likely come and go. The metallic taste most likely comes from blood in the mouth and will heal quickly.

Can you get a metallic taste in your mouth from starting birth control pills?

I have not heard of a metallic taste in the mouth due to birth control pills. I do know however, that having a metallic taste in the mouth could a pregnancy symptom, and could even be due from taking certain antibiotics. If you have just begun birth control and have had unprotected intercourse, you may need to take a pregnancy test because birth control is not effective in the body until at least 1 month, yet waiting 2 months will be safer.

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there are more than 3 signs of pregnancy. There's nausea, fatigue, late period, breast soreness, cramping, a metallic taste in the mouth etc

Is a strange taste in the mouth similar to the one you feel with acid reflux a sign of early pregnancy?


Is a tinny or metal taste in your mouth a symptom of pregnancy?

It's possible that I'm pregnant. I haven't had many other symptoms except the past couple weeks off and on I get the taste of metal in my mouth. My friend told me it was a symptom but I've never heard that. I am pregnant and I have noticed a weird taste in my mouth. I get the metallic taste in my mouth right before my period, so maybe it is hormonal. Yes! If you do an internet search for "pregnancy symptoms" you will find that having a metal taste in mouth is among the top symptoms. When I have pregnant of my first baby, the first thing I notice was that metal taste in my mouth which I nerver had before. Now, we are trying for a second child (we should know for sure this week-end), I got the same metal taste in my mouth for the past 3 days. No...I got a metallic taste in my mouth and have had it for the past 4 days. Ive been on the pill for years and was freaking out that I was pregnant, I felt like I had other symptoms too. I took 4 urine tests and a blood test and all of them were negative. Turns out I was dehydrated.

What causes abdomen pain fullness nausea metallic taste in mouth the feeling of something stuck in the throat loose bowel movements have in common?


What chemical will cause a metallic taste in mouth?


What could dizziness metallic taste in mouth feeling hot feeling like you are going to pass out and a metallic taste in mouth mean?

From experience, you have some of the symptoms of a seizure. Seizures often leave the victim tasting a metallic taste in their mouth and they black out and become dizzy. I would see your doctor ASAP.

What is the medical term meaning metallic taste in the mouth especially after being bitten by a mamba?

Dysgeusia is the medical term for a metallic taste in the mouth. If this symptom occurs after being bitten by a mamba snake, it could be due to the venom affecting the taste buds and causing this sensation.

What medications cause metallic taste in mouth?

Blood tastes metallic :L so it could be that :P