Soemmerda M1871 Mausers are EXTREMELY rare, and they command some impressive prices when they rarely show up.
The rifle was made in occupied Hungary. It should have a two piece stock. They are quite rare.
It depends on exactly which model it is. I have a model 1934 Mauser 7.65 pocket pistol that is worth (according to "the book") about $500, however, there are some rare models that are worth much more, some well over $1000, if I remember correctly.
It is unusual vs. rare
Yes,it was made by bii int. For the 39, 59 and model 52they are super rare to find and are marked 39-ss with a triangle logo with the bii inside
Original, matching, untouched sniper variants Particularly rare models may also command a premium, such as the M1891 rifles captured and converted to fire the 7.92x57 cartridge by Austria-Hungary, or SA marked M44s (SA marked rifles aren't particularly rate, but SA marked M44s are), etc.
Rare in really great shape.
30/06 as a general rule ************* The M1918 BAR (a light machinegun) was most commonly made in 30-06, as the gent above me has said. While somewhat rare, they were also made in 8mm Mauser, 8mm Belgian mauser, 7mm Mauser, 6.5, .303 British, and 7.62 NATO. The OTHER BAR is the civilian hunting rifle, made in a variety of calibers from .243 to .300 Win Mag.
I dno
$10,547 its rare
Have you tried the Remington Arms web-site? From the information that I have the Number 4 rolling block rifle was made in the following variations: No. 4 Rolling Block Rifle, manufactured from 1890 to 1933 in .22 S-L-LR, .25 Stevens (barrel may be marked "25-10"), or .32 short or long rimfire calibers. Cadet Model (pre-dates the Boy Scout Model) only manufactured from 1911 to 1912..........very rare No. 4-S "Boy Scout Model" caliber .22 S-L-LR No. 4-S Rolling Block Rifle Military (commonly marked "MILITARY MODEL") or "AMERICAN BOY SCOUT" which is also very rare. These were thought to have been used by military academies for training cadets.
It would depend on the type. There was a rifle, carbine, and engineer's model. If it was in good shape, I would say that the rifles would go for $150 to $200, the carbines for $160 to $210, and the engineers (which are fairly rare) for $250 to $300. Many of these rifles were sporterized and that would lower their value somewhat.
Would the front sight hood for what be compatible with a G98/40, which by the way, is not a Mauser. The standard K98 sight hood will fit on a G98/40 rifle, but it will not sit well and would not be correct. The 98/40 used a proprietary sight hood that no other rifle in the world used. They are exceptionally rare today.