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No. Just NO. It is no where near the same.

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Q: Is a hypodermic needle a viable alternative for a tattoo needle. Could tattoo ink be put into the syringe and used in place of an ink reservoir?
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What are the synonyms for syringe?

needle, hypodermic needle, hypo

Use of hypodermic syringe?

A syringe with a calibrated barrel, plunger, and tip, used with a hypodermic needle for hypodermic injections and for aspiration. (Medical Dictionary)

What is Another word for syringe?

Hypodermic needle.

What do you call a hypodermic needle?

A hypodermic needle is often simply referred to as a needle or syringe needle. It is a hollow needle commonly used in medical procedures to inject fluids or extract samples from the body.

What is a tranqlier dart?

A tranquillizer dart - is essentially a hypodermic syringe filled with sedative, that's fired from a gun or blow-pipe. The needle contains three parts... the needle, the reservoir and the charge. Before use, the syringe is filled with the sedative and 'charged' with compressed air. When the dart hits the animal, a small sleeve surrounding the tip of the needle is pushed back, and the compressed air injects the drug.

Where would one use a hypodermic needle?

In the arm or leg, or buttock. The word ,hypodermic', means under the skin. From Classical Greek; 'hypo' ;means 'under' and 'dermo' ; means ;skin. A hypodermic needle would be used to give vaccinations. It is a very fine hollow tube, with a very sharp angled tip to the tube, which carries to vaccinating liquor from the syringe, to a position under the skin.

What needle uses no thread?

A hypodermic needle. a record player needle

Where can you find a cheap belly button piercing needle?

At a tattoo shop where they will do it for you. Other than that, nowhere really. They are essentially hypodermic syringe needles, so you can't just get them anywhere.

Where can hypodermic needle tattoos be found?

on the internet

Who invented the modern hypodermic needle?

Forms of intravenous injection and infusion began as early as 1670. However, Charles Gabriel Pravaz and Alexander Wood were the first to develop a syringe with a needle fine enough to pierce the skin in 1853.Benjamin A. Rubin invented the "Pronged Vaccinating and Testing Needle" or vaccination needle. This was a refinement to the conventional syringe needle.In 1955, Roehr Products introduced a plastic disposable hypodermic syringe called the Monoject.The microneedle device is a painless alternative to the needle and syringe. Mark Prausnitz, a chemical engineering professor from the Georgia Institute of Technology teamed together with electrical engineer Mark Allen to develop the prototype microneedle device, which looks like the nicotine quit smoking patch. The microneedle is made up of 400 silicon-based microscopic needles, each the width of a human hair. The tiny, hollow needles are so small, that any medication can be delivered through the skin without reaching the nerve cells that create pain. Microelectronics within the device would control the time and dosage of the medicine delivered.

How do doctors fill up syringes?

It depends what substance is going into the syringe. If it is a medication, sometimes the doctor will attach a hollow needle to the syringe and place the needle into a bottle of medication - this way he can draw up the medication into the syringe via the needle. The needle will then be removed from the syringe and discarded. The alternative method is that some bottles have a silicone stopper around the top, with a tiny hole in the middle where the (needle-less) syringe fits. You stick the tip of the syringe into hole so that it fits snugly, turn the bottle upside down and draw up the medication. The snug fit means that the medication doesn't drip everywhere when you turn the bottle upside down.

A heparinized needle and syringe are necessary in the collection of?

A heparinized needle and syringe are necessary in the collection of?