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Q: Is a girl flirting if she smiles and sticks out her tongue and bites it whenever you talk with her?
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What do you do with your tongue when you make out with your bf?

if he sticks his tongue in ur mouth then wrap ur tongue around his

How far can an amphibian stick their tongue?

They cannot stick their tongue because their tongue sticks to the bottom of their mouth ;)

If a neighbor sticks her tongue out at you. What should your do?

Eat her out

What does it mean when undertaker sticks his tongue out?

for the fans

How do armidillos get its food?

It finds an ant hill and sticks its tongue out . The ants get stuck on the tongue and the armadillo eats it.

What did tongue depressors look like in 1910?

wooden sticks

What is the spell langlock?

It sticks the tongue of a person to the roof of their mouth.

What does it mean when someone sticks their tongue out at you?

Sticking out one's tongue can be a sign of playfulness or teasing, especially among children. However, it can also be seen as rude or disrespectful in certain situations and cultures. It's important to consider the context and the relationship with the person doing it to understand the intended meaning.

Why woman stick out tongue?

If a woman sticks her tongue out, it is probably an informal, almost flirty way of telling someone she might not approve of something you've done or said. But when little girls stick out their tongue to little boys, they usually mean it. They aren't doing it to flirt; they're doing it to get it through to a boy that they don't like him. But if a woman does it, chances are she's flirting with the man. HELLO,sometimes it is just a friendly gesture from the Sister.

What would you do if your adult neighbor sticks her tongue out at you?

Stick yours out back.

What is it called when a guy sticks his tongue in your mouth when kissing?

It is called French kissing.