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Yes this can be a pregnancy symptom.

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Q: Is a gassy cramping in the abdomen a sign of pregnancy a cross between period cramps and gas?
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Can you have period cramps in early pregnancy?

Yes, at the time for your first period after conception. Cramping is common during other times of pregnancy but it's not uterine or menstrual cramping.

You are ttc and you ovulated on 1017 and am having a lot of cramping and no af but am having a lot of white discharge no stds or infection and no smell is this a symptom of pregnancy?

I think that white discharge and cramping are symptoms of pregnancy. I had really bad cramps in the beginning of my pregnancy and very white discharge. I think that white discharge and cramping are symptoms of pregnancy. I had really bad cramps in the beginning of my pregnancy and very white discharge.

Are cramps normal durning your first few weeks of pregnancy?

Hi, Yes abdominal cramping is normal during early pregnancy unless the cramping becomes severe. In cases of severe cramping, then you must contact your doctor.

When ovulating are you supposed to get cramping on both sides or one side?

Menstrual cramps will typically occur across the entire lower abdomen, not just on one side of the abdomen. Menstrual cramps can also cause cramping in the back, stomach, and thighs too.

Is it unusual to have period cramps in the first month of pregnancy?

Yes, mild cramping is normal in early pregnancy. For me it felt like that little bit of cramping I would get just before my period would start, the mild cramps that let me know bigger cramps would be coming. Only in early pregnancy, bigger ones shouldn't come. Mild and slightly uncomfortable, but not excruciating and dibilitating in the way period cramps can sometimes be.

Can you what side does implantation cramps occur?

Implantation cramps typically occur on one side of the lower abdomen, although they can sometimes be felt on both sides. The cramping is caused by the embryo attaching itself to the uterine lining.

What causes cramps other then pregnancy and period?

abdominal cramping can be caused by menstrual cycle, bowel movements and even gas bubbles

How many weeks in pregnancy do you start getting cramps and aching?

Some women experience mild cramping and increased vaginal discharge soon after their missed period, others may not have any cramping.

Left Side cramps that come and go okay during pregnancy?

Cramping during pregnancy, unfortunately, can mean multiple things; some are okay and some are not so good. It can be gas, constipation, your uterus growing; signs of an ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, and the list can go on and on. If the cramping continues and it concerns you too much you should contact your doctor.

You are having lower abdomen pain regularly and now into 12 th week of pregnancy and yesterday had severe uterine contractions Is it normal?

It can be normal for you to have pains in your abdomen ecspecially the lower one because you could be experiencing cramps which is a normal symptom of pregnancy as your baby grows and your body adjusts you may experience cramping and mild spotting during a few stages of your pregancy.Each woman varies,but I would suggest if the cramps seem really uncomfortable to consalt a health professional.

How do you say cramping in spanish?

calambres = cramps dando calambres = cramping apretando = cramping, restricting

When do cramps occur during pregnancy?

Cramps during pregnancy can occur at any time, but they are most common in the early stages of pregnancy. These cramps are often caused by the uterus expanding and stretching to accommodate the growing baby. However, if cramps are severe or accompanied by heavy bleeding, it is important to consult a healthcare provider as they may indicate a problem.