A certificate is a KIND of document. Document is the broader or more inclusive term. A birth certificate is a kind of document. A will is a kind of document. A research paper is a kind of document. A passport is a kind of document.
"Marriage License" and "Marriage Certificate" are two different terms for the same document.
That will depend on how they are used. Typically a license is issued by some regulating authority and a certificate is issued to document some status or achievement.
A JavaScript certificate document is a document that proves you have all knowledge needed to master web development by using the Javascript and also HTML/DOM.
The Fito sanitary certificate is very important for organizations that export different products. The certificate is usually used as an export document.
It states that the person specified in the death certificate is dead and the certificate is an official document.
In states where same-sex marriage is legal, yes. The only legal name change document you need is your same-sex marriage certificate. There is no need to obtain a court ordered name change.
It is not legal
Synonyms for certificate are document, licence, warrant, voucher, diploma, testimonial, authorization, and credential.
A clean bill on record clearance certificate is a certificate of lading. This is a document stating that there are no liens.
A birth certificate shows citizenship.
how to get my 10th certificate if i miss my certificate,,,,,,,,,,plz tell me the answer
Every state will have different laws; however in general you will need a death certificate, probate court document identifying the executor and the Certificate of Ownership (or similar document the state uses to confirm title). The Certificate of ownership is signed as the state requires, and the death certificate and probate document given to the buyer, who goes and transfers title to himself.