A backflip is more dangerous then a frontflip because when you do a backflip you cant see where your going so you would most likely land on your head causing serious injures including memory loss. I do alot of cheer leading and I have fallen plenty of times to trust me. :)
press abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and z al at the same time and you will do a frontflip. if you want to do a backflip go up to your mom and yell, why are you an idiot and you will do a backflip hope this helps
To do a backflip, you press the down arrow key, then the spacebar. That's a backflip. That I know of, you can't do a frontflip.
Unlike the combined form backflip, the forward variety is still two words : "front flip".
You Cant, at least i think so... If you could, it would be the opposite of a backflip
No, backflips are much harder. I tried, even with 2 spotters, I still got hurt. I learned how to do a front flip when I was 6 and I still don't know how to do a backflip.
If you are interested in competetive trampolining and finding out how good you are, you should look into how the Olympic trampoliners practice and compete. You can find some information at theguardian.com.
not sure but i think when your about to go off a ramp hit up then down and you "should" do a front flip i am not sure though hope that helps nope its down down square backflip same but up up square frontflip
rodeo is a backflip with a spin while a cork is an off axis spin with the motion of half a frontflip where you are never fully upside down
Yes they can
Ok, Do a 360 frontflip (complete spin in the air forward once) then do a nose dive in the water. Rise back up and a 360 backflip ( complete spin in the air backwards once) and do a nose dive back in the water. Rise back up one more time and do a 360 frontflip. Then once your Orca turns red jump over the time and press X. Try to hit the dome 4 time and proceed to the next gate. Do a 360 frontflip and nosedive back into the water. But on the second time to 720 frontflip (two complete spins in the air) and make a nose dive back in the water. On the last time do another 360 front flip. Once your Orca turns red break through the dome and proceed onto 4-1. Good Luck!
frontflip, backflip, handstand, breackdance, bunny hop, dance, hi-5, and mean dog( meandog is a funny trick it your dog wont hate you when you dog turns around and then touch its butt I know because I invented this trick.)
by practicing in front of a mirror lol