The value of a Winchester 121 22 single shotgun depends on its condition. As of 2014 these sell at auction for around 160.00 in excellent condition.
cooey 410 gauge model 840 Winchester Canada. single shot
50-250 usd
The Winchester model 20 was a youth .410 single shot gun manufactured between 1918-1924. Only about 24,000 were built. Your serial number is not from a Winchester model 20.
What is a Winchester model 74.22 repeater rifle, circa l939, worth?
In good condition around 200 to 250$
No such model made by Winchester
No such model number.
Depending on condition, ABOUT $200.
Your winchester model 1894 was made by winchester in 1964.
The Winchester model 70 Black Shadow is worth between about 600 dollars and about 800 dollars depending on the condition and exact model. This gun is a relatively newer model by Winchester.
great condition it will sell for about $375 to $400 dollars,
Winchester Model 94-44 Magnum 3199687M