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it is a purebred!:D

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Q: Is a Homozygous a Hybrid or a Purebred?
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How is a purebred individual from a hybrid individual?

Purebred is only possible in Homozygous conditions such as AA or aa, and indvidual that is a hybrid (Aa) is not truebreeding and therefore is not purebred.

What is a different term for homozygous and heterozygous?

well that is hard and easy...... it would have to be purebred and hybrid. :p

What is the difference between a hybrid and a purebred?

A purebred organism is the offspring of two homozygous parents. A hybrid on the other hand, comes from two heterozygous parents, which is a cross between two species.

What is the difference between purebred organism and a hybrid?

A purebred organism is the offspring of two homozygous parents, having either two dominant alleles, AA or two recessive alleles, aa. A hybrid is the offspring of two heterozygous parents, Aa.

What is the modern term for purebred?

The modern scientific term for "purebred" is homozygous.

Having the same genes for a specific trait?

Homozygous or purebred

What is another word that means the same thing as homozygous?


An organism that has two identical alleles for a trait?

Are known as homozygous. Homozygous individuals can also be called 'purebred'. Organisms with two different alleles are known as heterozygous.

What do the letters on the inside of the punnets square stand for?

Using Punnett Squares, you can predict the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring of a cross between a homozygous (purebred) tall pea plant and a homozygous (purebred) short pea plant.

What do the letters on the inside of the punnet square stands for?

Using Punnett Squares, you can predict the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring of a cross between a homozygous (purebred) tall pea plant and a homozygous (purebred) short pea plant.


Using Punnett Squares, you can predict the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring of a cross between a homozygous (purebred) tall pea plant and a homozygous (purebred) short pea plant.

1 What is the difference between homozygous and heterozygous?

Homozygous is the same(purbred) and heterozygous is different(hybrid)