Bottom line piercing the cartilage is always problematic with piercing guns so I would tell you to see a real professional body piercer and get the piercing done with the basic jewellery to start then consider changing it once you have crossed the initial healing period.
A small seed, like a poppy or sesame seed, is approximately 2mm in size.
A small rock particle larger than sand ranging in size from 2mm to 4mm is typically called fine gravel or granule.
A 2mm object is similar in size to the tip of a sharpened pencil. It is also about the size of a small seed like a poppy seed or quinoa grain.
If its a healed lobe piercing, it probably can. 16ga is .2mm bigger than 18ga. If its cartilage, you may have to wait till its older to try out bigger jewelry. It really helps to try and put it in after a hot shower and use extra virgin olive oil, vitamin E oil, or jojoba as a lubricant.
2mm 2mm
Nobody makes a bullet that small. The smallest bullets are at least 4mm in diameter.
A 2mm diameter precipitation is likely to be small hail. Hail forms when updrafts in a thunderstorm carry raindrops into extremely cold areas of the atmosphere where they freeze into ice.
2mm 2mm
6mm is thicker than 2mm. It has a greater thickness of 4mm.
It depends how long you were at 14ga before you went to 12ga. But that's still a pretty small size so it'll probably close up well. Even if it doesn't go completely back to 18ga, it wont be noticeable.
2mm 735 m en mm
A standard push pin is approximately 2mm in size.