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A twenty six menstrual cycle is not abnormal if it is consistent. It is only a few days short of a the perfect cycle.

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Q: Is a 26 day cycle normal?
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Is it normal to have a 27-day menstrual cycle when it is normally a 28-day or 30-day cycle?

The typical menstrual cycle in "text book" terms is considered to be anything between 21 to 32 day cycle. yes that's normal

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Is a menstrual cycle of 45 days normal?

Yes, a 45 day cycle is still considered normal. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different and as such a longer cycle is perfectly normal.

Is a 60 day mentrual cycle normal?

Having a 60 day menstrual cycle can be "your normal", assuming you mean the entire cycle, not just the menstrating portion. To be sure, you should consult you OB/GYN.

Is it normal to have a 27 day menstrual cycle when it is normally a 28 day or 30 day cycle?

Oh God! A 30 day cycle? it's only supposed to last a week every month.

Your period only last 3 days what is your cycle?

A typical menstrual cycle is around 28 days, with ovulation typically occurring around day 14. A 3-day period is considered within the normal range, but the overall cycle length can vary among individuals. Tracking your cycle over a few months can help determine its pattern and length.

Is it possible to have a 15 day cycle?

Cycles vary tremendously. A 15 day cycle is possible and most likely a normal variation.

Is a 60 day menstrual cycle normal for a 30 year old?

A normal menstrual cycle is considered to be 28 days long, give or take a few days on either side. Therefore, a 60 day menstrual cycle is not considered to be normal for a 30 year old.

Is a 32 day menstrual cycle normal?

Yes, anywhere from a 28-32 is considered normal.

Is it normal to have a 36 day menstrual cycle?

No you need to see your doctor.

Is it normal to have a 23 day menstrual cycle?

Yes. Don't worry

What happens if you go over 28days between each period?

Nothing at all, it's normal. 28 days is the average menstrual cycle length - everyone is different so not everyone will have a 28 day cycle, also it's normal for cycles to change over time and for there to be a few days variation from one cycle to the next. If you go over 28 days then that simply means that your cycle is longer than the average menstrual cycle. Rather than expecting your periods every 28 days you should determine your own average menstrual cycle length. One menstrual cycle is the number of days from the first day of your period up until your next period, you add all these days together over your last 6 cycles and then devide by 6 to get an average. There are various apps for your phone or web sites that figure out your average menstrual cycle length for you. Take my cycles for example; July 25 (35 day cycle) June 20 (32 day cycle) May 19 (32 day cycle) April 17 (27 day cycle) March 21 (31 day cycle) February 18 (26 day cycle) So my average menstrual cycle is 33 days - as long as my periods fall within 26 to 40 days they are still regular. So you see my cycle is longer than 28 days, and there can be a little variation from one cycle to the next, this is totally normal and healthy.