Not really, depends on your height, just remember to be confident and that you are still at the puberty stage!:-)
An average 12 year old of and average height should weigh around 12 stone. They are not overweight but are just growing out of their puppy fat.
No, not at all
I'm 13 and I weigh 14 stone, it depends on how tall you are. I'm 174cm, so I'm not obeae, just stupidly overweight.
ANSWERA woman should at least weigh from 8 and a half to 11 stone unless they are very tall.ANSWERThe average female should weigh approximetly 10.5 stone (67kg).
yess, yew are huge,, lose weight!
yes you are overweight get over it man
4 stone
yes you are overweight you weigh around 14 stone and approximately obese. Its all good though I wouldn't worry.