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If she is under 5 feet tall, yes she is.

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Q: Is a 12 year old girl who weighs 10 stone slightly overweight?
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I am 131 pounds and 5'3 am i overweight?

pssshhh, i know this girl, who is my best friend, who is 14 and weighs 503.3 pounds. you are the farthest thing from overweight. pssshhh, i know this girl, who is my best friend, who is 14 and weighs 503.3 pounds. you are the farthest thing from overweight.

Will a great personality English girl get bullied in sophomore year because she is slightly overweight?

No, the girl probably will not. As long as the girl isn't annoying and doesn't get on anybody's bad side, she'll be fine. P.S. A lot of people are overweight in school. If the girl is only slightly overweight, there will be a lot of people worse off than her.

Is 10 stone overweight for a 5' 2 16-year-old girl?

yes you are overweight get over it man

Is 160 overweight for a 5'5 13 year old girl who is not muscular?

Yes, it is very slightly overweight. This girl would have a 26.6 BMI. A BMI between 25-29.9 is considered overweight.

What is a bump on the back of the neck of a slightly overweight girl?

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How does a overweight slightly self-conscious guy get a pretty girl to love him?


Is 4 stone overweight for an 8-year-old girl?

If someone is four feet tall and weighs 6 stone, or 84 pounds, they have a BMI of 25.6, which is considered overweight. You can use this site to find out more:

Is a fourteen year old girl overweight if she weighs 108 Lbs and she is 5 feet?


If a 13 year old girl weighs 129 poujds is she overweight?

depends on your size

If a 11-year-old girl weighs 120 lbs and is 5'0 is she overweight?


Is 10 stone healthy for a teen girl?

Depends on your height. Unless you're short, it's overweight but not very overweight.

Is a 11 year old girl 5ft tall and 6 stone overweight?
