The 300 Weatherby Magnum is a long action.
Short action.
Long action. .308 and shorter- short action. 30-06 and longer, long action.
10 has short action, 110 has long action. Differerence is about 1 /4 inch in the length of the Receivers. Short action calibers include .223 up to .308, Long action calibers include 270, 30-06 and magnum calibers 7MM and up to 458 Magnum.
long action magnum
Short action
The 223 is considered a Short Action rifle.
If the rifle is chambered for the .308 Winchester cartridge, then long or short action can safely fire it. Long or short refers to how far the bolt travels when opened. The .308 is typically a short action- the 30-06 and longer cartridges cannot cycle thru a short action, and must be used in a long action rifle.
IF a rifle is chambered in caliber .35y magnum, yes. Among others, Marlin made a lever action .357 magnum rifle.
.223 is considered a short action cartridge.