You need to take it to a qualified gun smith and have it checked in order to find out.
It was manufactured by Crescent Fire Arms for the Fletcher Hardware Co.
Crescent Fire Arms Co. and Crescent-Davis Arms Corp. They made the gun with only Smithsonian stamped on it in both single & double barrel and in several gauges
No sn data in the public domain.
10-100 USD or so
Turn of the century to about the 1930's
This was a trade name sold by Belknap Hardware. Manufacturers included Crescent Fire Arms, Crescent-Davis Arms, Davis-Warner Arms, Iver Johnson, and J. Stevens A&T Co.
Do you mean a 1932 Victor Ejector model? Do you mean a 1932 Victor Ejector model?
The White Powder Wonder was made for Sears Roebuck by several manufacturers. Take your pick: * Crescent Fire Arms Co * W. H. Davenport Arms Co. * Meriden Fire Arms Co. * J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co. Value for a single shot is $35 to $75 unless it is just like it came from the factory or a basket case.
Manufactured by Crescent Fire Arms, W.H. Davenport Arms Co, or J. Stevens Arms Co for Shapleigh Hardware Co, St Louis, Missouri, sometime between about 1890 and 1950.
Double barrel shotguns manufactured by Crescent Fire Arms and single shots by W.H. Davenport Firearms for Wallace hardware, Morristown, Indiana, c. 1900.
Crescent Fire Arms Company was the manufacturer of the Nitro Hunter shotgun. It was as an exclusive in-house brand of Belknap Hardware in Louisville.
AFAIK, there is no published sn data on Crescent Arms.