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Q: Is Smoking cocaine faster route of administration than snorting it?
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How is crack used?

Crack cocaine is typically smoked. It is heated and inhaled, producing a short but intense high due to its rapid absorption into the bloodstream. The effects of crack are felt almost immediately and last for only a few minutes, leading to a cycle of repeated use to maintain the high.

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The same as taking by mouth it just hits you faster by snorting them

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Will cocaine get out of system faster from shooting?


How long does cocaine stay in your system if you shot up once?

Of course like almost every drug it depends on how much you used how frequently and your body type. All I can say is it last alot shorter then smoking it or snorting it. If you drink alot of water because its water saulauble it will come out of your system alot faster too. Cocaine doesn't stay in your system long again depends on those factors but shooting it up lowers its presence tremendosly.**You are stupid. If you shot up in the first place you should not be bothering with this kind of question.

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If I took a urine test 6 days and 8 hours after snorting cocaine Will I pass?

Most likely depending on your body type, people with faster metabolisms are cleansed faster. however, cocaine rarely stays in anyone more than a week. Cocaine may be detected for up to 72 hrs,with a urine test, however if you are a chronic user it may become stored in your body fat, in which case it may take a lot longer to clear your system.

Does snorting xanax have the same effect on blood testing as swallowing them?

Yes. Both ways will give you the same blood testing result. The only difference is snorting it will take effect faster.

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What is cocaine and how it can affect you?

cocaine is a is a dangerous drug. It can affect you by making you do crazy things because it can mix up your brain and if you have too much too often, it can kill you. Also, it can make your nose collapse by destroying the cartilage.

Do taking pills and snorting pills give you the same effect?

yes, but snorting them brings the effect faster and stronger. don't go killin' yerself now. Ya hear? take it slow.

Does cooking the cocaine into crack lessen the bad effects like vomiting?

Crack is generally considered to be the more dangerous and addictive of the two substances because it takes effect faster and causes the user to lose control of their thoughts and actions faster. You might be less likely to vomit if you smoke it instead of snorting, but vomiting is really only a minor inconvenience if you compare it to the other bad effects it has.