September 23rd is in the middle but it is close to a lot of popular birthdays like August 16 and October 5.
September 23rd 1981
September 23rd is her correct birthday
23rd September
23rd September 1981
September 23rd, 1987.
Matt Hardy September 23rd
23rd of September
Depends what date, Virgo is August 23rd- September 22nd and Libra is September 23rd - October 22nd.
Birthdays between August 23rd and September 23rd fall under the sign of Virgo. Nick Jonas has a birthday of September 16th making him a Virgo.
Tails's birthday is October 16th, Cream's birthday is June 17th, Sonic's birthday is June 23rd, Shadow's birthday is mysteriously also June 23rd, Knuckle's is on February 2nd, and Amy's is September 23.
Miley Cyrus is 16 her birthday is on 23rd September!To This Date and this date is the 12th of September 2009!