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They have to be! My mom and dad let me use their bathroom in their room because my brother was using ours and it was almost Christmas, and I saw connect 4 in their closet while i was getting a towel. Then when it was the day when you get your presents under the tree, I saw connect 4!

I will tell you like I told my kids. Once you stop believing in Santa, he stops coming on Christmas Eve. So, if you don't believe you only get presents from mom and dad etc. But if you do believe you get those presents PLUS the ones from Santa. My kids are now 14 and 18 and still insist they "believe". Now every Christmas they still get gifts from Santa and their stockings are full. ;)

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Q: Is Santa Claus really your mom and dad?
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Is your mom really Santa Claus if you think she might be but you believe in him?

Mom and Santa ClausNo, your mom is not Santa Claus because Santa Claus is a she

Why do you get gifts from Santa?

its really your mom and dad who gets gifts. santa is not real. even ask mom and dad.

Is Santa Claus really true or is it just your parents?

Yes Santa Claus is your mom and dad . I even caught them putting out my presents and I also saw their handwriting on the presents. I have asked my mom a million times of Santa Claus exists and she even told me he doesn't .I told my friend that she will find out one day that he doesn't exist

Santa is not real it is mom and dad?

He really is, stop that,

Who is Santa's mom and dad?

Santa has not said who his mom and dad are.

Is Santa really your mom or dad?

No santa is real (most parents cant afford what you get)

Is santa Claus really your mom or dad?

Yes they are,And if you don't belive me stay up late,play like you are sleeping and if you hear something creep in to the room the tree is in and see for yourself.

What does Santa Claus do to your mom?

make you

Does santa deliver presents to the house or does your mum and dad do that?

it's really just your mom and dad. Santa is the spirit of giving so anyone who gives on christmas is a santa

Who played infant Buddy Claus in Santa Claus 3?

it was his mom judith

Does Santa Claus really go down a chimney?

No one really knows. My mom told me that if there are no chimneys in a house then he has a special magic key that opens any door. Im not sure if I still believe in Santa Claus but I do. Well I hope this helped !!!!

Will Santa Claus kiss your mom?

maybe I think he only does if your mom is beatiful not UGLY!!