Before i start read the whole thing cus it sounds stupid at first okay santa is real let me tell you why santa is a person who puts stuff under your tree
but your parnts whoever puts stuff under tree see something incomin
thay both but stuff under your tree so your parnts is santa they dont have santa stuff but thay do what santa does so santa is real just not the person you thught it was
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There are many opinions on this subject, and in general they can be broken down into three categories. The first group says that Santa is real, that he wears a red suit, and that he lives at the North Pole, making presents for kids and delivering them all over the world on Christmas Eve in his sleigh. The second group says that he doesn't exist, and those things are impossible. The third group admits that he doesn't have a tactile presence, but that he is very real in the hearts and minds of parents and children and in the spirit of Christmas. Basically, that we as a society make him real.
Whatever your opinion, there is no doubt that Santa brings a lot of joy to the world.
Here are other opinions on Santa's existence:
it blocks it down into two catagories
1: if children chose to belive in him he is real in there hearts and world
2 : if children choose not to sata is not a real person
real real real answer : shhh .. santa isn't real but St nicholas is and that's who santa is ... St nicholas !!
I think he is fake because of the fact that when i was 8, I left a note by my chimney saying 1 thing that I wanted. That was a small little beyblade. But then 2 years later, my friend had to give me the beyblade because he knew santa was fake. Though I still say Santa is real because I don't want to break any hearts. Though I broke my crush's heart and now I hate her because of the likes she has. St. Nicholas is SANTA~!
hes not now go get a life
The stupidity of this question if it could be put into size and weight would be astronomical. i don't know how many more kindergardeners are going to ask this, But no. He's most certainly not real! can you live on the North Pole where it's FRICKIN cold and The ice is melting? NO! It's too cold to sustain human life, or almost no life for that matter. This is stupid! Saint Nicholas existed, but Santa is a load of (sorry kids but it's the truth A LOAD OF CRAP.
no sadly santa is not real parents get the gifts for their children not santa clause
santa is real because i sent a letter to him with my class and igot the letter back!
Yes. Mostly to ages 1-8. But when you get even a little bit older you start to not believe in Santa.
Yes, santa is real.
There is a real santa claus in Virginia.
Christmas—Does It Cost More Than You Think?
“MOMMY, Daddy—is there really a Santa Claus?” It is the moment of truth that many parents dread. With a mixture of disappointment and hurt in his eyes, seven-year-old Jimmy begs for reassurance that the fantasy figure who brought all those wonderful presents really exists—and that his parents have not lied to him.
As it turns out, the little boy next door was the culprit who revealed the awful truth and put these parents in this awkward position. Perhaps your childhood memories include a like episode.
Today’s holiday celebrations are much more than just religious observances. Christmas, it seems, has worked itself into some unlikely places. Japanese Buddhists, African animists, American Jews, and Singaporean Muslims alike have opened the door to the rotund, red-suited man bearing gifts. One religious leader asked, “Has not Christmas become a universal holiday observed by all?”
In the eyes of many, Christmas has shed its Western “Christian” costume and become an enchanting time of festive fun for all. Children are at the heart of the celebration. Some people would dare to say that no child’s life is complete without the magical fun of this holiday. Seemingly, it is here to stay. School curriculum revolves around it. TV glorifies it. Malls and department stores parade it. Parents pour much time and money into Christmas. But besides the usual aftermath of burdensome debt, is there a heavier price your family may pay?
The Santa Myth—Breach of Trust?
“I don’t believe there is a God,” seven-year-old John told his mother. A World Herald article explains why: “John, it seemed, had learned earlier that day that Santa Claus wasn’t real. Maybe God wasn’t real either, he told his mother.” Recalling his early disillusionment, 25-year-old John said: “When parents tell children Santa is real, I think that probably is a breach of trust.”
What to do about this delicate situation? Child experts disagree. One encouraged parents to tell their children the truth by age six or seven, warning that “it may actually be harmful to their psyches if parents persist in perpetuating the myth.”
In the book Why Kids Lie—How Parents Can Encourage Truthfulness, Dr. Paul Ekman states: “There is no doubt that you as parents have a major influence on your children when it comes to attitudes, beliefs, and social actions such as lying or cheating.” Ekman continues: “Relationships may not be the same once a lie has violated trust. The loss of trust is difficult to repair; sometimes it is never reparable.” So why carry on deception when it comes to holiday giving?
One child researcher asserted: “I think children are more traumatized by parents lying to them and deceiving them than they are about finding out that Santa Claus isn’t real.” Dr. Judith A. Boss, professor of philosophy, states: “The intention of adults . . . is to deliberately mislead children about the nature of Santa Claus. . . . In telling children Santa Claus is a real human, we are not engaging children’s imaginations. We are simply lying to them.”
If you are a parent, you have a gigantic challenge on your hands—to raise loving, happy children in a world where they learn from an early age that people cannot be trusted. “Don’t talk to strangers.” “You can’t believe everything the TV ad says.” “Tell them Mommy isn’t home.” How does a child learn whom to trust? The book How to Help Your Child Grow Up says: “Little children must learn early the necessity and beauty of honesty, of courage, of honorable dealing with others; and home is where these have their beginning.”
Of course, there is no such thing as the perfect family. However, author Dolores Curran set out to identify the character of strong families. She asked 551 family specialists in various fields to choose the most important aspects. Her findings, in the book Traits of a Healthy Family, discuss the top 15 qualities selected by the experts. Trait number four was “a sense of trust.” “In the healthy family,” she says, “trust is recognized as a precious possession, carefully developed and nurtured as both children and parents progress through the various stages of family life together.”
Parents do well to ask, ‘Is the perpetuation of the Santa myth worth the price of my child’s confidence and trust in me?’ There may be no refund possible. Does Christmas have other hidden costs?
Santa Claus is what you believe. In my own words, Santa Claus is real.
Santa Claus is real - YES he is real.
Yes,Santa Claus and his wife is real.
Santa Claus is not a real person
Santa Claus is not real,he is a myth.
Santa Claus is the spirate of christmas
Yes, Virginia, there is a French Santa Claus.
the santa claus dollar is real. if you were a million air than you will get a santa claus dollar. did you know that nobody has ever bought the santa claus dollar in the world! they stopped making them in 1946.
santa is real
If Santa Claus is married then Mrs. Claus is real.If Santa is then I guess she is too.
No and please do not ask anymore about Santa Claus he is not real and there is no way to prove he is real
One can find videos of the 'real' Santa Claus on YouTube. One can also find videos of the 'real' Santa Claus on the websites History, Santa Television and Santa Claus Live.
Yes I think Santa Claus is real