Peter Ostrum's birth name is Peter Gardner Ostrum.
Peter Ostrum was born on November 1, 1957.
Peter Ostrum was born on November 1, 1957.
Peter Ostrum played Charlie Bucket in "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"
Former actor Peter Ostrum (from Willy Wonka) is 60 years old (birthdate: November 1, 1957).
Peter Ostrum
Peter Christopherson went by Sleazy.
The cast of Veterinarians On Call - 2011 includes: Peter Ostrum as himself
Peter Ostrum played Charlie Bucket in his one and only film role. He is now a qualified veterinarian.
Peter Ostrum, who made no other films and is now a veternarian in upstate New York.
Yes, Peter Allen was gay.
Peter Gay was born on June 20, 1923, in Berlin, Germany.