No, he is not married or engaged, although it is rumoured that he has been with his girlfriend for 5 years. :)
Oliver Phelps's birth name is Oliver Martyn John Phelps.
James Phelps plays Fred Weasley.Oliver Phelps plays George Weasley.
It is not known if Oliver Phelps is a virgin or not. Oliver Phelps has a twin brother named James Phelps and is most known for appearing in the Harry Potter films.
Oliver Seymour Phelps has written: 'Genealogy of Othniel Phelps, Esq., of Aylmer, Canada West' 'The Phelps family'
James and Oliver Phelps was born on February 25, 1986.
James and Oliver Phelps was born on February 25, 1986.
James and Oliver Phelps are 1.91 metres tall.
they sang karaoke and the videos can be found on youtube, but they do not sing for a living
UK actor Oliver Phelps is 31 years old (birthdate February 25, 1986).Oliver and James Phelps (his twin) were the Weasley brothers in Harry Potter films.
Oliver Martyn John Phelps plays George Weasley. His twin brother James Andrew Eric Phelps plays Fred Weasley.
Jaycie Phelps is married to Dave Marus